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  • jennrivett

Light from within

What brings us light from within, are we aware of it, so therefore making sure we do it regularly to help us cope when it’s dark outside, or have we lost sight of it, forgotten it, that something that we held so dear and a fundamental part of our functioning, or is it still there somewhere, a passing thought, a sense, can we grab it, take hold of it and spend time with it again, that thing that we need with us to help us try to live our lives fully yet that so easily gets buried, forgotten in the day to day coping. Might be worth a moments pause to see if it’s still there, maybe we can invite it in for a moment, or even decide to engage with it again, the paradox being it maybe the very thing we need to be aware of to enable us to see it and realise we need it in our lives... hmmmm...this makes sense in my head yet wonder if it will to you the reader!

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